Matky a Otcové: Family Art Crimes
from 4 September untill 31 October 2006


The group Matky a otcové (Mothers and Fathers) was founded by four artists Lenka Klodová, Lucie Krejčová, Martin Péč and Marek Rejent. These four members exploit their experience of Motherhood and Fatherhood (in total they have nine children) and with ease and sense of humor express the idea that art and family life don’t have to mutually exclude each other of compete. From the point of view of Mothers and Fathers is parenthood a huge “pool of experience".

In the “Family Art Crimes” project the group reflects on the relationship between patents and their children and attempts to find a common language which appropriates the form of graffiti but imbues them with unexpected “family” content. The inscriptions, whose style evokes a “heavy metal nostalgia” are posted in forms of large prints, thus reversing the logic of graffiti as a permanent technique. The individual inscriptions bespeak (with a keen sense of irony) the family values which the artists created together with their children. A passerby can for example decipher words as: Daddy (Taťka), Mum (Mami), Siblings (Sourozenci), Granny (Babička), Christmas (Vánoce), Porridge (Kaše) a Belting (Výprask).
