• Voina Wanted
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    "Projekt Voina Wanted vytvořený přímo pro Artwall je gestem vyjádření solidarity se dvěma členy skupiny, stíhanými pro napadení a urážku veřejného činitele. K těmto deliktům mělo údajně dojít v rámci demonstrace proti omezování shromažďovacích práv v Rusku letos v březnu", říká jeden z kurátorů projektu Petr Motyčka. Tváří kampaně a hledaným ?zločincem? je hlavní ideolog skupiny Oleg Vorotnikov, který se již v minulosti stal obětí brutálních vyšetřovacích metod ruské policie a na základě vykonstruovaného obvinění z podněcování nenávisti ke skupině obyvatel strávil neoprávněně 3 a půl měsíce ve vazbě. Touto skupinou obyvatel byla přitom paradoxně míněna policie, na jejíž zkorumpovanost, aroganci a nekompetentnost mnohé z performancí Voiny upozorňují.
  • Umenimarad.cz - instalace
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    Výstava nazvaná umenimamrad.cz je prezentací konceptu skupiny absolventů katedry fotografie Fakulty umění a designu Univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, týkající se (ne)prodejnosti a (ne)srozumitelnosti současného vizuálního umění. Cílem projektu je oslovit občany, kteří z velké části považují současné umění za něco nepochopitelného či elitářského, jednoduchým jazykem typickým pro reklamu.

    Foto (c)  Radek Jandera, 2008
  • umenimamrad.cz - vernisáž
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    Palladium Praha, 25/9/2008

    Foto (c) Martin Micka

  • Groupe Guma Guar: přemalované tisky
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    V noci z 29. na 30 května 2008, asi tak mezi 11 večerní a druhou ranní, přetřel někdo neznámý  všechny vystavené velkoplošné tisky i tirážní tabuli asfaltovým nátěrem. U tunelu nám dokonce "nechal pozdrav" v podobě použitého natěračského válečku na tyči a krabice od barvy...
  • Groupe Guma Guar
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    Groupe Guma Guar: Kolektivní identita

    16.5. - 15.6. 2008

    Skupina Guma Guar se svým projektem Kolektivní identita kriticky vyslovuje k problematice "výroby souhlasu" v demokratické společnosti. Tento termín označuje stav, kdy jsou názory občanů usměrňovány pomocí technik public relation tak, aby konvenovaly vládě a s ní spojené podnikatelské elitě. Guma Guar poukazuje na to, že je více než problematické využívat k jednostranné výrobě souhlasu peněz z veřejných zdrojů.

    Obrázky: [c] 2008 Guma Guar a Martin Micka
  • Tomáš Hibi Matějíček, Marek Pokorný: Pettiness – A Tribute to Ondřej Sekora
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    Tomáš Hibi Matějíček, Marek Pokorný: Pettiness – A Tribute to Ondřej Sekora

    27 Oct - 30 Nov 2007

    The site-specific project Pettiness procures intentionaly to avoid the comics-related stereotypes bringing it out its paper medium. At the same time it servs as an homage to one of the key local comics authors – Ondřej Sekora. The main protagonist of his comic strips – an ant called Ferda – started his career in between the wars in Lidové noviny journal as an anti-war protester.
    Images: [c] 2007 Tomáš Hibi Matějíček, Marek Pokorný a Radek Jandera

  • Questions
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    Sep 17 - Oct 20 2007
    To the question: “What should my child be like?” each future parent would probably answer that the child should be first of all healthy, but maybe also pretty, intelligent, good, skillful…
    The answers should give the viewers some feedback on their own values and priorities. They can be contemplated by people who have not even started to think about having children but also by parents whose children are already adult themselves. Choosing between several positive or negative characteristics is a moral dilemma. Especially when we all share these qualities to a certain degree.

    Photos: [c] 2007 Silvie Vondřejcová a Radek Jandera. 

  • Lukáš Kubec
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    Lukáš Kubec: South Bohemian Safari

    16 July - 12 August 2007

    Stork on a meadow, butterflies, man with a rake, stream of the Vydra creek – these motifs are just a fragment of an extensive series which Kubec dedicated to his native Šumava mountains, in which he tries to evoke the various styles of and approaches to photography ranging from pop-culture to the allusions of fine art.
    Our intention was to smuggle the romantic photographs of Lukáš Kubec into the public space in order to create an illusion of a trip throughout the idealized landscape of the Czech countryside.


  • Radek Jandera
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    Radek Jandera: Politician

    4 June - 15 July 2007
    The project consists of eight portraits. It is a group of anonymous men in suits who – based on the style of their clothing and the poses they strike – belong among a certain social group. It is obvious that these men are used to pose in front of an audience. It is a group that regularly tries to get the attention of the public.
    In the local setting, some of them can be easily recognized.Their faces are unfortunately connected with firmly fixed meanings...

  • Michaela Thelenová
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    Michaela Thelenová: "For a While..."

    30 April  - 3 June 2007
    I am interested in the mechanism of manipulation and control that functions in our mind as a subconscious process. To manipulate or to be manipulated, the desire and the need to control, is a part of our thinking and our behavior. In my pictures I try to catch the very moment when we lose our freedom slowly and unknowingly and when the boundary of our tolerance starts to change." [M. Thelenová]
  • Matky a Otcové
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    Matky & Otcové: Family Art Crimes

    4 September -  31 October 2006
    Reflection on the relationship between patents and their children and attempt to find a common language which appropriates the form of graffiti.
  • Míla Preslová
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    Míla Preslová: Ritual

    3.July -  3 September 2006
    The photographs of Míla Preslová speak of the microcosm of her own family. They are no standard snapshots from a family album, however. The key theme of “Ritual”, as it would be with most of works by Míla Preslová, can be identified as a general human need of desire and the (sometimes painful) tension of family bonds.
  • Pode Bal
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    Pode Bal: Flagellants

    29 May - 2 July 2006
    The art group Pode Bal was founded in 1998 and from the start calls attention to our unresolved communist past. A whole series of their actions referred to our suppressed national consciousness and this project was not an exception.
  • Martin Zet
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    Martin Zet: Destiny of the Nation - Sculptor Otakar Švec

    4 April - 5 May 2006
    The photographic series of Martin Zet payed tribute to the work of Otakar Švec while stemming out of the genius loci of the Art Wall gallery location.
    Six sculptural portraits of Czech artists made by Švec evoked not only the personal tragedy of a modernist sculptor but also the forgetting, typical for the collective memory of the Czech nation, which often suppresses the dark side of its own history..

  • Michal Rydval
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    Michal Rydval: "I know I am stupid. But this is the only way of showing something to the people"

    29 August - 15 Octobre 2005
    The project presents short ciations from the recent daily press. The quotes deprived of their original context of the media flow are drawing our attention toward the content and character of the public debate.
  • Mirella Bentivoglio
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    Mirella Bentivoglio: Facce Murate/Wallface

    18 July - 28 August 2005
    Rome, on the wide terrace of the Falconieri Palace, hidden from the general public, are eight stone faces of the Roman god Janus that were created in 17th century by the famous baroque architect Francesco Borromini. Large-scale photographs of the faces made by Italian photographer Alessandro Alimonti were installed into the stone frames in the Vltava River embankment.
  • David Walliker
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    David Walliker: Mr. Blue Crosses the River

    6 June  -  16 July 2005
    Eight large-scale photographs of Mr. Blue made by artist David Walliker were installed into eight stone frames flanking the Letna Tunnel entrance.

  • Lenka Klodová
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    Lenka Klodová: Victors

    25 April - 5 June 2005
    The project presents short ciations from the recent daily press. The quotes deprived of their original context of the media flow are drawing our attention toward the content and character of the public debate.